Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Don't Fence Me In - Don't Fence Me Out

Furnace stopped during the night, and the tempreture dropped to 51 degrees. Shannon got me up early, and I went to work adding water to the boiler so the heat woild come on again. I wondered how my friends who use wheelchairs could handle this? If I were unable to get down into the basement, I would have to call for help. perhaps I could make an arrangement with one of my neighbours. We all need a helping hand once in a while. Even my neighbours need help whith feeding their cats when they go on vacation.

Montel is speaking on the Rachael Ray show right now, about his disability, and the attitudes he has seen people direct at others. Montel has MS but is not using a wheelchair. He said every step he takes is painful. I can relate to that even though I do not have MS.

I take photos now. I used to be a painter, but now I am unable to tolerate the odor of the materials, and hold the tools. So, I have a jiffy little Cannon A80 digital camera, and soothe my creative spirtit by taking photos. I like to catch the light as it reveals the form. I like colour, and I love to be able to do this.

I wish someone who is blind could let me know if they can "read" my posts. I really do not know how accessible blogger is. I m ust confess that I have not done a good job describing my posted photos.

Above is a photo of a flower with petals that are long and noodle like. A verl light pink colour. The flower but reached through a chain link fence before it bloomed, and now, in full bloom, is caught in the fence. Trapped, with its head hanging over the sidewalk, but with its roots, stem and leaves still in the garden, behind the fence. For me, this demonstrates the beauty of the struggle for life. Reaching for the light, the sun, the warmth. Some might see this as a flaw, a problem, as in "Oh, my, that poor flower is trapped in the fence." What I see is adaptation. Persistance. My self.

Please folks, let me know what you "see."


At Tuesday, January 30, 2007 1:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,

Oh how I wish we had flowers to photograph RIGHT NOW! Lovely. I'll send Steve your way to comment on what he "sees". It may take a day or two though. He's got a lot on his plate right now...

Thanks for the link by the way. We'll be pleased to return the favor.


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