Yo! Save the Geese! Filmed in Cambridge MA by Northeastern Students for Film Fest
Like all are, this film should stand on it's own.
posted by Kathy Podgers @ Sunday, September 20, 2009
This blog comes to you from Cambridgeport, and is created by a person with multiple severe disabilities. Please, if you see errors, typos, and mistakes, bring them to my attention! I cnn't do ANYTHING right! LOL Anyone know how to explain to me how to make sure I get spacing between paragraphs? I need a very, very simple, tieny tiny step by step explaination. i do know what html is, but I just found out why some of my links didn'y work! So, any help is much appreciated.
One might wonder why start publishing a "Blog" on September 18th? Wouldn't it be better to choose an "important" day, like Labour Day, or Veteran’s Day? Give the birth of one's entry into the web world or print and broadcasting a date to be remembered. Associate one's communication creation with a memorial event. So, thinking along these lines, here I come, ready or not, jumping in on September 18th, the date in 1851 The New York Times began publishing "all the news that's fit to print" and on this date in 1927 Columbia Broadcasting System was born!